Low Input Development (LID) Soils

The use of Low Input Development (LID) techniques in the urban landscape has been gaining momentum in recent years.  The installation of LID facilities like rain gardens, bio-retention areas, tree trenches and structural soil cells are being implemented in many of our local communities, these facilities often have the combined goals of managing stormwater and supporting healthy plant material.

We have been supplying soils to LID projects for almost 10 years and over the years our approaches and mixes have evolved. Previously, mixes with high percentages of sand were common, but high sand content mixes are not ideal for most plant material. Through years of experience and extensive lab analysis, we have found that by amending the RIGHT types of loam, we can provide site required infiltration rate while providing and quality growing medium to support vigorous plant growth.


Standard Low Input Development Blends:

Rain Garden Blend - 40mm/hr (Calgary spec standard) Data Sheet

Bio Retention Blend - 70mm/hr (Calgary spec standard) Data Sheet

Soil Cell Planting Blend - (Meets Deep Root Guidelines)


LEED Certified Blend

We can also develop custom blend to meet project specific specifications, submitting samples for lab analysis and providing samples and results for submittals is part of our full service approach.


Our LID blends can be quickly blended to meet your project timelines, however it is essential to provide adequate time to conduct lab analysis for your project submittals.


Low Input Development (LID) Soils
Low Input Development (LID) Soils
Low Input Development (LID) Soils

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